Unshaven Hair Transplant
Both men and women frequently experience hair loss. Numerous factors, including stress, seasonal changes, hormonal imbalances, and iron deficiency, can contribute to hair loss. Even while it is common for adults to lose 100 to 150 hairs every day as a result of trauma or washing, extreme hair loss can be treated with several treatments, including hair transplants.
One of the most popular aesthetic procedures is hair transplantation, which involves taking hair follicles from the hairy region that runs from the top of the ears to the nape and transplanting them to the areas with hair loss problems.
Unshaven Hair Transplantation: What Is It?
Unshaven hair transplantation has the advantage of being a different hair transplantation technique used on people who require the surgery but do not want to have their hair chopped for the procedure or wait for the hair to grow out after the procedure. The major benefit of this approach is that patients can rapidly resume their employment and social lives following unshaven hair transplantation. Both men and women can receive unshaven hair transplantation.
Depending on the patient's needs, DHI or FUE procedures can be used for unshaven hair transplantation. Maximum 4,000 hair follicles can be transplanted with the FUE technique in a single session. The most hair follicles that can be transplanted with the DHI technique in a single session is 3000. The front, top, and side hairs do not need to be shaved while using the unshaven hair transplanting technique. Only shaving the back of the head is necessary for the donor area. In the unshaven hair transplantation method, which is typically used on persons with long hair, the patient's long hair plays a crucial role in concealing the shaved portion at the back of the head.
How is a transplant of uncut hair carried out?
Before unshaven hair transplantation, the patient's customized hair transplantation line is created, the patient's hair is washed, and the hair is given a special sterilizing treatment. To prepare a donor, a 2 to 4 cm wide area in the back of the skull is shaved, sterilized, and sedated. The hair at the nape area does not fall out, which is why there is a buildup of hair there. A saline solution is administered there. Thus, throughout the treatment, both roots are collected accurately and gently, and no pain is felt.
During hair transplantation, the roots should be implanted at the same depth and in the same direction as the local hair. A natural look can be achieved by adjusting the channels at a specific angle. In addition, attention should be taken to match the number of transplanted roots with the number of opened canals. As a result, the chance of complications can be reduced. The channel does not need to be opened when using the DHI approach.
One of the most crucial factors to take into account in the context of unshaven hair transplantation in order to achieve a natural appearance is the most precise insertion of the donor area-taken roots into the opening channels. According to the plans developed, the hair transplant operation is finished by doing a specific number of transplants in specific locations. Then a hair-tightening treatment is used. The hair is strengthened as a result, and the healing process is quickened.
The hair follicles that will be transplanted must come from locations where the hair will grow back thickly for the unshaven hair transplantation process to be effective. However, the recovered hair's roots include tissue. They are not prepared for planting as a result. Because of this, it is necessary to clean the hair follicles and prepare them for hair transplantation.
The patient can pick up where he left off in his regular life the day following the unshaven hair transplant application. By combing the hairy area in the direction of the donor location, the area can be quickly concealed. For the first three days following the unshaven hair transplant process, it's crucial to keep your head slightly elevated, avoid scratching the area where the hair transplant was done, and refrain from using tobacco and alcohol. A healthy and quick healing process can be experienced, and the effectiveness of the application results can be contributed, if the doctor's advice for hair protection and washing is followed.
What Benefits Can Unshaved Hair Transplantation Offer?
After unshaven hair transplantation, the donor region closes quickly, which is a significant component in improving patient comfort. Patients are able to carry on with their daily routines and social life uninterrupted in this way. After an unshaven hair transplant, crusting and redness usually go away on their own within 7 to 10 days. Unshaven hair transplantation produces more aesthetically pleasing results than previous procedures. Hair transplantation becomes unnoticeable quickly in persons with long hair, and it is possible to conceal the procedure's aftereffects in a very comfortable way. Long haired people do not have to wait for their hair to regrow.
Important Information Before Shaved Hair Transplantation
The patients' hair must be a specific length in order to undertake unshaved hair transplantation. Although this length may vary depending on the patient's hair structure, it is generally thought to be 7 cm. Unshaven hair transplantation may not be possible if the hair is not the desired length; instead, it may be necessary to wait for the hair to grow to the ideal length.
Unshaved hair transplantation is a very convenient and easy operation, but it may not be right for everyone. For this reason, the patient should be informed of their appropriateness for unshaven hair transplantation following the examinations. Unshaven hair transplantation should only be used in specific regions and according to a specific planning process.
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